A vaccum on losing a teacher.

Today, I write this blog with a heavy heart. As I am typing, I am beginning to realise what it is, to lose a teacher in my life - someone who did not stop by just teaching me the subject, but inspired me everyday by the mere presence of self.

I may not have spoken to her often in the last 6-7 years, but whenever I saw her on TV/news paper, I have jumped with joy, telling everyone around with pride that I know this legend in person; I have been to her house,  and I have had filter coffee made by her. I have felt and still feel truly blessed!

What is it, that some of us have, for our favourite teachers ? What makes them so special in our lives? One can always argue....after all, they are human beings like you and me!

I think its their ability to be 'selfless' merely for the love and passion they carry for the subject they teach us, that gives them the special place in this world. They are the ones who take true pleasure in seeing us perform well in that subject. They are the ones who also feel equally bad as ourselves when we don't perform. One should learn the truest ability to empathize from Teachers.

This blog is a tribute to my Jalatharangam Guru, Kalaimaamani, Late Mrs. Seetha Doraiswamy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seetha_Doraiswamy)

With an impeccable personality, she would hardly take few seconds to win your heart. Her face would always remind you of a 'smiling baby' - the purest form of god's creations.

With the kind of accomplishments and accolades that she has earned, the humility she displays is a true example of how an ideal human being should be.

My personal interactions with her have been truly inspiring and heart-warming.

One day, during one of my regular jalatharangam classes, she was teaching me a new keerthana. There was one part of the song which I could not play well. I must have played it a 100 times, and still did not get it right. She kept observing me. I finally lifted my head with a devastated look of a loser, and declared that I am not good at it. She smiled at me and said, "Try a few more times, and you will figure out how not to play it." She patiently waited till I got the line right. At the end of the class, she called and told me "Never let the fear of making mistakes rule you . Never allow others' judgements about you, affect you! It's all right to make mistakes. You are your own judge!. Practice this a few more times at home and one day, you will play this song better than me" What more inspiring words of wisdom can I want to hear from a legend, who led a noble simple life, dedicating her breath for the love of music.

At several phases of my life thereon, these words have inspired me and will continue to do so for a life time.

Seetha Maami, May your soul rest in peace.  You are truly one of the greatest human beings this world has ever known! And, I feel even more blessed to have been your student.

Archives of Kalaimaamani Late. Mrs. Seetha Doraiswamy's peformances.






A cover story on Seetha Maami



Madhusunda said…
This is such a lovely dedication mad.. She must really be proud of you !!Really most of the teachers are selfless people finding joy from their students..i still remember you taking me to her house during our coll time.. from the way you play i can see what a teacher she is. May her soul RIP.
Nicely expressed. Yes, she is a simple yet a great humble human being. I miss her physical presence very much. I was Blessed to be her daughter-in-law ! Madhumita where are you now?
Unknown said…
Well Expressed Madhu. We can understand so much about her from your tribute.Do remember that she lives on through the music that you and all her other students play. Thats the great part about being a teacher. May her soul rest in peace.
Unknown said…
Well expressed madhu. We can understand about your teacher and her greatness from your tribute. Remember that she lives on through the music that you and her other students will play. May her soul rest in peace.