"Grand dad" day out!!

It was March 11th 2008. It was a very normal day, but indeed very special to me!
This day asked for 2 days of systematic planning between my grand dad and me. For what???
For hanging out an entire day - watching a movie in satyam, followed by a delicious lunch.

Watching a movie and roaming around is definitely not new to me. But this was special because i went out with a very special person close to my heart. That was the day i realised that anybody in this world, no matter how older they are, enjoy becoming a child at some point of time in life.

My grand dad was all excited about going out for a movie, which he hardly does. Since early morning he kept reminding me that we have to be there in the theatre on time, as if he had an important appointment with the manager of satyam cineplex. However, i really enjoyed seeing his excitement and nodded my head signifying "your wish is my command"

We travelled all the way to see the movie in a public transport, which i have never done. This was mainly because grand dad doubted my ability to balance him on a two wheeler. Well you will understand it better if u see us together:)

Usually it is my job profile to keep continuously chatting and engage other people, irrespective of the fact whether the listener is getting bored or not. But this time it was different. I did the holy job of listening to all the "black and white" stories from my grand dad. That was when i saw the child in him, bubbling with enthusiasm.

At last, we walked into the sophisticated Ac hall which had all those designer lights switched on and finally sat down with a sign of relief that we were on time. The only thing i found missing in myself was the urge to shout and scream in a theatre if i go with my friends. Well my philosophy of watching movies in a theatre is slightly different. I tried my level best to put up a "good girl" image in front of my grand dad because i did not want him to repent sitting next to me. After all that was his day!!:)

The movie we saw was 10,000 bc. Though we did not like the movie much, we enjoyed the graphics. In the interval, this was his menu.....one vegetable puff, one brownie, a cool drink and a coffee. I ended up fighting with him that he should not be eating all of these at the same time. Ofcourse it was a very enjoyable fight. Then he said "it is after all for a day. I maintain a strict diet everyday. So let me enjoy today". I could not control smiling.

After the movie we made an impromptu decision to have lunch outside. There again grand dad ordered for a sumptuous meal. After i finished gulping my favourite dish he said "this is my birth day gift to you". I was touched!!

It is very true that elder people do have a class of their own!

Watching movies has been a favourite pass time for me in the recent past. But never have i felt like writing a blog on an outing for a movie, which is as special as this.


Unknown said…
floating "lotous leaf" in the stream of time, is hit by the drop of ink from Mahishasuramardini's pen and sink into the grand memories!!! ...............Pardhu
Madhusunda said…
hey mad... such a wonderful post.. in these days wer ppl find it a very big prestige problem to take even their parents to the theatre thinking tat wat'll others think f them... u hav taken yr gdad..first thing to be appreciated... its usually hard to find such nice relationship nowadays where elders.. gparents are able to come down to our level.. kudos to yr thatha for tat now... u hav brought out the childish character f yr gdad very well..in d post...hope this post wud encourage other ppl to take their gparents our for a movie!!porumaye illadha manushiya indha blog post comment aezhuda vechurchu lolz... i mean twas too good!!
FrIcTiOn... said…
well...never knew u cud write this well!!
Ravi said…

This was a wonderful blog!! life affirming.. I loved it!
Arch said…
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Arch said…
hey gal.... nice post... and well this comment is mainly to wish u good luck for ur series of MBA exams starting with IIRMA... am sure u will do well... culdnt scrap u in orkut so thot i will leave u a comment here and that way i gotto read ur posts too... :)

- Archana