The D-day or the B-day??

what it is to travel alone, is something that I learnt recently- just about a week back.
I was on a holiday trip to Banglore with my friends. But unfortunately we all couldn't travel together.

Just few minutes before the train could leave, i noticed my dad waiting impatiently in the platform for the train to leave. It was not that he was worried about me going alone, but perhaps because he was thinking of how and what should he speak on that day's official meeting. well!! Thats his profession..forget it!!

I had mentally prepared myself of the agenda that i planned to implement during my lonely journey!! Everytime i travel alone (which ofcourse is not very often), the only thing i pray for is an interesting co-passenger. Unfortunately god becomes deaf to this particular wish of mine. Thus, most of the times I end up sitting next to an old lady complaining 24*7 about her problems to people next to her, or a mother with her few-month old crying baby (Sometimes i would feel that fitting a turbine near the nose there would be of a better use!!) or a person who sleeps all through the day.And this time was no different.

Another funny thing about me is that i get weird dreams the day before i travel such distances. It could be either like, i am missing the train or the train meeting with an accident. Well, you could call me pessimistic here!! I agree.

This time i discovered the bravery in me to over throw my negative senses and decided to read a magazine. Needless to say, after few minutes i felt sleepy. But since it was second class sitting, i couldn sleep either. So i decided to keep myself busy by munching the biscuits i had bought. This kept me engaged for about an hour. Then suddenly from no where, i got reminded of an article i read a day earlier. It was about the various train accidents that has been happening in the recent past.

I thought for a second that my D-day has arrived. But immediately i reassured myself about the golden words of my astrologer who usually says i have a long life!:)..I know it sounds stupid!! But when we are in fear, all we need is soothening words!! "Idol mind is a devil's workshop" could be the apt proverb here:)

After all the mental struggle i went through (pardon me for the exaggeration), i finally stepped on the banglore railway station, and said to myself "poof!!its after all not my D-day, but infact my B-day"

If you are still wondering what that 'B' stands for, its the place where i went!!hee..hee


"B" na Bangalore nu naanga nambitom :D ;)
My Reflections said…
hey loosy...this is ur 1st comment in my blogs i guess..thanks...for a sec i thought it was my friend madhu...! thanks for stopping by..
Adi said…

well written thoughts.


Vinay said…
Thursday, January 04, 2007
The D-day or the B-day??

"So i decided to keep myself busy by munching the biscuits i had bought. This kept me engaged for about an hour." many?