True sense of devotion.

what is devotion?? Is it a way of impressing god? Does being religious amounts to being devoted?? These are million dollar questions. According to me devotion is a medium of communicating with god when u want certain things to be kept as a secret. I might sound like an atheist to some of you.But i would simply like to say that i am not!! definitely not!! My brought up is such that i have been taught the significance of my culture and tradition. At the same time i would also like to clarify that i ain't too religious .Neither am i too close to god to share with him my secrets nor can i simply sit before him for hours together. Am i sounding disespectful here?well...from my experience some people have told me that i am! But when i ask them why, they don't give me a cogent explanation. I have a lot of incidents in my life to quote, so as to imply that my way of devotion is just different from the usual way.

I sometimes travel in crowded buses, where people get minimum space to even stand.I, for once , was fortunate enough to get a place to sit . After few minutes, i realised that there was an elderly women standing besides me. I was able to visualise the pain in her mind due to her standing. So i decided to get up and give her my place to sit. As she sat down, she finally let out a sign of relief. This sign, according to me is god.And the satisfaction i derived out of it is what i call devotion. I have often tried explaining this to people around me. But they would'nt understand. They feel my thoughts are beyond my age and i am simply trying to give reasons to elude from the monotonous prayers. Here i don want to get into the cliche saying "Service to mankind is service to god". If that is the case, then in the current scenario, it simply implies that none of us is devoted to god! None of us serve mankind 24*7. Infact we don't get time to serve each other.

How many of us know the meaning of the prayers which we blindly recite everyday?? Does it in anyway solve the purpose? So what is that i am trying to convey here? I simply would like to say that One should'nt be devoted for the sake of convincing god, and finally end up saying" he knows everything", which obviously indicates that he knows we are not being truthful. The real devotion lies in truly and whole- heartedly reacting to changes taking place around you. Perhaps this is a better way to interpret god and undertsand him better!!


Venky said…
Hey, you seem to be straddling on the surface over what devotion is. I agree to your point about rituals and mumbojumbo. But we need to understand the logic behind it. Devotion is not about sharing secrets with god and asking him. Infact there is no such as asking in true devotion. Its about being in that space of utter dependence for the infinite where u realise that ur actions are not sufficient enuf to fulfill ur desires... i guess im sounding too spiritual in this..anyways..once u get spiritual .ull understand the essence of what im trying to say..