"Ruined" education

Today i noticed an incident, which kept tickling my memory cells to such an extent that, here i am to write a blog on that!

As always claimed by my beloved friends, i live in this place which is supposed to be in one corner of the city (though i wouldn't agree with it). As a result, it takes about an hour of bus travel for me to reach my college. I generally take a magazine or a novel with me and prefer reading them so as to prevent myself from sleeping in the bus and ensuring that i get down in the right stop. well, experience teaches us a lot things, don't they??(this is altogether a different issue..will write a separate blog on it:))

whenever the bus reaches the T.Nagar area, it begins to move inch by inch, and it sometimes would irritate me to such an extent that i would want to get down from the bus and start pushing it to move faster. But this time, the tremendously slow movement of the bus did not bother me much! I was deeply concentrating on something else!! what was it? I noticed a boy carrying a huge pile of books in his bag on his back! poor fellow!! he couldn't even lift the bag on his own! If my assumption is right, the boy should be in his fifth standard now. His facial expressions were even more pathetic. He looked as if he had been pressurised to study so much without understanding why he had to study so much. so what does this reflect on??

These days we find that even kinder garden kids are provided with books and bags. When they cant even spell those words "books" and "bags", how can we expect those young buds to use them. Adding a levity here, i get reminded of a quote which i frequently come across- "I was born intelligent! education ruined me". Perhaps this is true!

All of us cherish the fruit of education only when it turns out to be tension-free. It isn't a wise idea for a boy or a girl of ten years old to spare their play time and go for tuitions! There is a possibilty that the kid may also start hating studies. Once this negative impact is created in the young minds, changing it becomes even more difficult. It is a well known truth that today's competitive world requries students to be well informed about a lot of things at a young age. But, equally important is the fact that an individual's capacity is also to be considered.

I , myself have come across such similar instances. Once my servant maid had come home with her 4 year old son, carrying few books on her hand. When i asked her what was it, she replied that the next day her son had to write an exam on the first fifteen alphabets in english. I was shocked to hear that. She complaint saying that the boy is able to write only the letter "o", and feared that he would be a dull student in future. I convinced her saying that i was so bad at learning that i didn't even know the proper order of "abcd" until my first standard. Look at the plight that the "so-called" competitive education creates in young minds. Is it for good or bad?? well..i am confused!!


There's nothing to get confused in this madhu. This is definitely not for any good.

@bhags : It is possible if u r the Prime minister! wake up, man.. u r in India!!
Anonymous said…

Have you read the recent Time Magazine? Here are some interesting observations...

1. American and British education system have syllabus which was designed for the industrial age(1950's) and the present crop of students find it utter crap.

2. India ranks far ahead of the so called "best" western system of education in the survey conducted by the times maazine.

3. The average IQ of an Indian 8th grader is matched by only a high school student.

4. Melinda and Bill Gates foundation look to replicate the Indian System of education and they're ready to spend billions for the cause.

I hated education when I studied but now I am happy with what was handed down to me by my teachers.

My 2 cents... Ashok @ http://chillpilgrim.wordpress.com
SaMrAT said…
nxt time take a train
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
nice post.... coming to the Indian education scenario.... it is too much of education with no learning at all .... a lot of man hours is wasted in theory classes...at the end of the day marks are mere numbers...the skills acquired are what that matters the most.... there is no use of feeding theory unless and until there is at least 40% of hands on training involved.... it would take another 60 to 70 years to change all thats happening!!!